
Ian's Playpen

Part of existing page on village web site. –  https://stbees.org.uk/home/rest/priory-paddock/

The QR code should point permanently to this web page on stbees.org.uk. Everything in italics are my comments.

Priory Paddock Wildflower garden

The garden is next to the pubic footpath, the “Dandy Walk” which starts next to the church drive, and skirts the memorial playing field.

Audio-visual Guides

The guides are updated through the year. Click below to select:

2023 (You can have as many years as you want on this page. Each link in the seasons or months below will point to a unique Youtube page

  • May – (Points to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yBFoafQkjU&ab_channel=JackHale)

  • Late May – Points to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUBeCxGSw64

  • Mid-June – and so on

  • July

  • Winter

With this system, all that needs to be done at each update is to go to this section on the village web site (I’ll give you the required access), add a year, month, season or whatever as required, get the URL of the latest Youtube video  and add it to that word as a link. If a a video is redundant, you delete the entry here. The QR code never needs to be altered. The alternative, if you want the QR code to play the relevant  video automatically with no choice, is to have a separate page with only the link to the YouTube video.  Scroll to the bottom of this page and you’ll automatically be taken a blank page with only the link.

Clicking on this will emulate pointing on the QR code I think. Can’t test that from home!

History – Priory Paddock was created in 1996 using the natural wetland of the valley floor. Access is via the public footpath along the “Dandy Walk”. Much help was received from the Old Millhillians Society. Mill Hill School from North London was evacuated to St Bees for the duration of WW2.